Calgary, Alberta CANADA
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Visuwords™: Online Graphical Dictionary -
An online visual thesaurus and dictionary. Look up words to find their meanings and associations
with other words and concepts.
Lander - a lunar lander game. Requires Flash.
Big Ass Rocks on Steroids - shoot up asteroids in this 3Dish WebGL game.
Download) Experience the moving solar system in 3D. This Windows DirectX
program lets you visit the planets.
Buffy Simulations - (As seen on Discovery Channel) These
mpeg videos depict the orbital of a trans-neptunian object found that orbits in
the kuiper belt.
a page on the Fairey Rotodyne - an advanced
helicopter from the 50's that saddly never made it.
Hardware Perlin Noise Demonstration - a fast way to
generate nice foggy and fiery graphical effects by using 3D texture blending
A javascript example - showing how to implement
Insight into Photoshop 7.0 Blending Modes -
An analysis of the blend modes. An attempt to clarify exactly what is going on when you apply those
vague and foggy modes.
Brainf*ck BF interpretter - a JS implementation of a BF
interpretter, one of the best known esoteric languages. It's fast!. Also known as brainfuck,
brainf***, brainf*ck, brainfsck, b****fuck, brainf**k.
Personal homepage of Paul R. Dunn